Wednesday, April 1, 2009

a little more progress

these houses will be dancing. i used the backside of a musical note fabric so it would fade out and there would be music in the air.
yes, i am a bit out there with this...


Donna said...

I LOVE the dancing houses! they bring a smile to my face :-)

Tonya Ricucci said...

I'm with Pix, these are joyous happy houses that make me smile.

jude said...

i wanted to make you feel better.

jmb_craftypickle said...

oh, I just love these have a way with figures. They say so much so simply. Beautiful!

Heidi said...

Those happy houses are great. hope to see more pictures of their dance :-)

Fulvia said...

An absolutely charming, delightful block!

Jan Hennings said...

Great blog and great quilting!! Thanks for hopping over to my blog and becoming a follower!!